Again and again, in my work, and also in my private life, I come across people who feel stuck, or overwhelmed, or really down, anxious and depressed. More often than not, I find that there is this deep belief of “not being good enough” underneath all of this.

I think most of us have struggled, or are struggling, more than once in our lives, with truly believing in our own true worth, in our abilities and capabilities, in our loveability. This doubt can really hold us back from achieving what we really want, in our career, in our relationships, in our finances.

Because how can we attract what we really want if deep down we are denying ourselves to be who we really are, because we don’t quite believe we deserve the love, the job or the money. How often have we thought somebody may not like us, so we hold back? Or we talked ourselves out of that career move, that dream, that plan, because we believed we couldn’t do it, because we believed we were not good enough? Think back, to your childhood, your delicate teenage years, your early adult years, now… I bet there have been lots of moments like that.

Now ask yourself, is that belief really true? We may not have all the required skills, or knowledge (yet), but does that mean we are not good enough? Take a moment, be still…is it true? Or are these restricting and self-defeating beliefs so frustrating because, actually, we are more than good enough, we are perfect in our own imperfect ways, and we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be who we truly are? Sense how critical we are of ourselves sometimes. Would we talk that way to our lover, our friend, our child? No? Because it is far too unkind? Because it is simply not true? Then why would we do this to ourselves?

Yes, we are good enough. We are loved, loving and loveable beyond our own comprehension. And it is up to us to believe that, to champion that, to stop denying ourselves of our wonderfulness, and allow ourselves to be who we truly are.