Your most important relationship

Your most important relationship What if I told you that there is one relationship in your life that affects everything else around you? It affects your health, your happiness, your career, your family, your love-life, your sex-life, your joy, your peace, your income,...

What makes a relationship lasting and fulfilling?

What makes a relationship lasting and fulfilling? Mostly, people are happier when they are in a relationship, than when they are not. On average, people who are in a relationship, tend to be healthier, and live longer. I think that is because an intimate relationship...

How to get the most out of your relationship counselling

This handout is designed to help you prepare for our sessions so you can get the most benefit from our work together. I will give you a few points that are important to consider. The major goal of therapy is to increase your knowledge about yourself, your partner and...

Why go for Couples Counselling?

Have things in your relationship changed? Do you find it harder to feel connected with each other? Do you have the same disagreements over and over again and feel that the other does not understand you? Do you feel that you, or the other, are withdrawing and that you...

Calming Body Awareness Meditation

This is a brief body awareness meditation. I am using the chakras as areas to focus on. The reason for this is that for some people with anxiety, just sitting still and focusing on their breath, can be unhelpful and increase their feelings of anxiety. Many people with...

Women’s Cacao Ceremony

So I attended this women’s circle cacao ceremony, organised and led by Elena Angel Shakti. It was the second time I attended a women’s circle and I felt excited, knowing I was in for a healing and nurturing experience. As I walked from the tube station to the venue, I...

Is Life happening TO you, FOR you or THROUGH you?

What is your perception of life? Is it happening to you, for you or through you? Each perception says something about how we experience our lives. For example, is life just something that happens? Is it a bit of a journey that you just have to follow, with good bits...

Ode to the body

What if, instead of criticizing our bodies, we’d honour them, with an ode, that goes something like this: I love you. You move me. You carry me. You dance me. You feel for me. You laugh for me. And cry for me. You love for me. You express for me You feel the...


To me, vulnerability is beautiful. It rocks, it’s cool, it’s sexy. It is being courageous enough to show your soft underbelly, with the risk of being hurt. Vulnerability is strong. It breaks down walls and builds connection. Vulnerability requires trust, from the one...

I love to be undeniably me

Again and again, in my work, and also in my private life, I come across people who feel stuck, or overwhelmed, or really down, anxious and depressed. More often than not, I find that there is this deep belief of “not being good enough” underneath all of this. I think...