This is a brief body awareness meditation. I am using the chakras as areas to focus on. The reason for this is that for some people with anxiety, just sitting still and focusing on their breath, can be unhelpful and increase their feelings of anxiety. Many people with anxiety are hyper-vigilant of any sensations in the body, and by focusing on just their breathing they may start focusing on other sensations that they associate with anxiety. By focusing on the chakras, and the colours, and saying the soothing words to yourself, this rise in anxiety can be prevented. The chakras can be used as anchors, and make relaxation easier.

Before starting a meditation, it can work very healing and nurturing when you prepare the area. Make sure you can sit comfortably in a warm and relaxing area. You could light a candle, burn some incense, play some soft music, whatever makes you feel at ease.

Sit comfortably on a chair, feet flat on the ground and your spine straight. Relax your shoulders, let them drop down, and close your eyes. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can sit on a cushion on the floor with your legs crossed. What is important is that your spine is straight and you feel you can relax. When sitting on the floor, start the meditation from your root chakra, instead of from your feet.

Take a deep breath in, to your lower abdomen, and feel your tummy expand as you breathe in. Breathe out slowly, all the way. Repeat this another 2 times.

Take your awareness to your feet. Feel how the soles of your feet are connected to the earth. Think about how the earth supports you. Repeat the thought I am secure three times in your mind.

Take your awareness up to the bottom of your spine, your root chakra. This chakra represents your connection to Mother Earth. The colour of this chakra is red. You may want to visualise the colour red when focusing on this area. Notice how it feels to be sitting here, how your spine is keeping your body upright, and how the chair, or the earth, supports you. Relax, knowing that in this moment, you are safe. Repeat the thought I am safe three times in your mind.

Take your awareness up to your navel area, your splenic, or sacral, chakra. This chakra represents your creativity, it is your centre of emotion, joy and passion. The colour of this chakra is orange, which stands for warmth and emotion. You may want to visualise a clear and vibrant orange colour when focusing on this area. Feel your breath moving into this area, expanding it with your in-breath, relaxing it with your out-breath. Know, that in this moment, all is well. Repeat the thought I am creative three times.

Take your awareness up to the area under your rib cage, just above your navel. This is your solar plexus chakra. This chakra is your source of personal power, self-belief and self-worth, your True Self. Visualise the colour yellow for this chakra, like the colour of sunshine. Feel how your breath moves this area in and out. Relax, and repeat the thought I am powerful three times in your mind.

Then take your awareness up to our heart chakra. This chakra is often described as our main or primary chakra. It represents compassion and unconditional love. The colour for this chakra is green, which stands for transformation and love-energy. Try to visualise a green colour in that area. Relax your shoulders and imagine your heart opening. Repeat the words I am loved and I am loving three times in your mind.

Now take your awareness up to your throat area, your throat chakra. The colour for this chakra is blue. This chakra is your centre of communication and is the source of self-expression and speaking your truth. Visualise a calming, clear blue colour in this area and repeat the words I am truth to yourself three times.

Next take your awareness up to your third eye, the space between your eyebrows. This is the third eye chakra, and it represents your intuition, your psychic thinking, your beliefs and thoughts. This area is also seen as the link between your conscious mind and the natural world. Visualise the colour indigo at this chakra, and repeat to yourself I am free three times

Finally, take your awareness up to your crown chakra on the top of your head. This chakra represents your connection to the Universe.  Imagine here either a violet or a white light, and imagine that you are spiritually connected to everything around you. You are part of all life around you, you are meant to be, you are a unique expression of the Universe. Repeat the words I am worthy three times to yourself.

Take some time to continue to breathe slowly. You can imagine a beautiful white or golden beam of healing light going through your body, from your crown to your root chakra, connecting all the chakras, aligning your body and your energy, and filling you up with positive healing energy. Try to notice how you are feeling now, and whether this has had a calming and soothing effect on you.

Working with your chakras can be very healing. There is lots of information online on what your chakras represent and how you can work with them in a supportive and healing way.