Have things in your relationship changed? Do you find it harder to feel connected with each other? Do you have the same disagreements over and over again and feel that the other does not understand you? Do you feel that you, or the other, are withdrawing and that you are spending less and less time together?

Maybe you, or both of you, find yourselves more engaged with activities outside the relationship, like work, friends, hobbies, social media, children, than with each other, as that feels easier than being together. Maybe you have not felt appreciated, heard, seen and cared for in a long time by your partner.

Does this sound familiar? Did you know that this does not necessarily means that the relationship you are in is failing?

Relationships are complicated, especially our close intimate relationships with our life partners. Often we get trapped in the thoughts that if the other would just do things differently, we would be happier and our relationship would be easier.

We go into our relationship with all our experiences from our past. Our experiences, and the beliefs they have created within us, strongly influence on how we react to situations. Especially to situations that are close to our heart, like our relationships. Often we react to each other from old beliefs or old hurts.

In couples counselling I can help you become aware of how these processes play out in your relationship. I can help you create more understanding of yourself and your partner so you can learn to be together with more conscious awareness.

This way you can respond to each other in a kinder and more authentic way, rather than react from old subconscious patterns.This can enable you to can change your relationship from a source of disconnect and frustration, to one of connection and inspiration, where you feel more heard, seen, loved and fulfilled.