We are complex creatures, us humans. Most times of the day, we have so much going on for us. Around us, in the wider world, and closer to us with our near and dear ones. It’s all information, coming to us, perceived and interpreted by us. Meanwhile we have all this stuff going on inside us. Our emotions, thoughts, beliefs. Much of this is not even in our consciousness, yet they all form a filter through which we colour our perceptions and interpretations. It’s like we all run a script in the back of our mind, about the story of our life, created in our childhood, and we translate our experiences according to that script.

See, life is a reflection of our own personally created reality. For example, two people can be doing exactly the same thing, yet they may experience it in totally different ways. One may think themselves lucky and fortunate with what life offers them, the other may think that life is a drag, life is not fair and the world is a hard place. Which interpretation is true? Both or neither? What is truth? Is there even such a thing as truth? Maybe not, maybe again, truth is someone’s interpretation.

So we are left with what is. Things just are, they are neither good nor bad, until we tell ourselves they are. With awareness, we can change the way we think and feel, and start seeing the world through different, hopefully kinder, eyes. We can start realising that we are 100% responsible for our own reality. Our emotions can become our messengers. Negative emotions can tell us what beliefs we hold about situations, and about ourselves, and we can check out if these beliefs serve us or not. If they don’t, we can start on changing them, and find that life is gentler than we first thought.

What it takes is time. Time to be still, to feel, to reflect, to just be. Meanwhile, be gentle, to yourselves and others. We are all under construction, and we have been given a lifetime for this construction to be completed, or maybe even longer.